Interior decorating the tree also has a long history. Historically, the legislators in the finishing of the premises of the tree can safely be called Europe. Special successes in the finishing of the premises of the tree reached the British. The constant problem of bad warmed stone walls was solved, as only within the premises of the houses and castles began to shut down the interior wood finish. In the houses became much cozier and warmer. The hosts started to save on heating materials. However, in cases of finishing of the house tree did not forget the aesthetic side of the question. If the landlord was a prosperous man, the more expensive decoration he could order. Then fashionable trend at the finish of the tree come and in Russia. Fashion at the finish of the acquired here own specifics. Up to now are exhibited in the museums of the true masterpieces of these craftsmen. But in our time have not forgotten about the finishing of the interiors of the tree. This is mainly typical of the decoration of individual country houses. In our time, finished with wood inner premises can afford the homeowner even with an average income level. Most importantly have the desire and the taste.
It is necessary to mention, that there is such a popular building material, like wood panels. In Soviet times, the building used for the finishing of premises of the panel of chipboard. Because of their low cost was popular cover their ceilings, floors, walls. But in the present time of increased literacy consumers about the environmental features of the materials used. Previously popular material ADI does not already have such demand as before, due to the fact that it releases harmful substances. At the present time, has increased the demand for plywood and laminated wooden panels. Their advantage is that they look good, a few more durable, and they do not cause harm to human health. Panel of the new developments are five types: solid, semi-solid, super hard, decoration and insulation. Their length 120-360 cm, width of 120-180 cm. In industry for the manufacture of such materials are different species of trees. Panels are made of wood : maple, ash, beech, pine-tree, oak, eucalypt, cherry, walnut.
Into force of the constructive solution of the material, installation of panels is not very difficult, and mount them can a person with no experience in the finishing works. If the volume of works is planned oblitsevat brick or wall, then it is necessary to purchase wooden rejki in the thickness of 20-25 mm and a width of 40 to 60 mm. In order to perform finishing the walls you must first perform a crate around the perimeter of the walls. It is necessary to solidify the vertical and horizontal guides. The distance between the mounting hardware is not more than 60 cm. Because now there are new superhard materials in the form of adhesives, Reiki can be done, and not screwed. Mounting is carried out with the help of screws. The rails are attached panel when anchored the screw heads of the need to "drown" in the slab. The seams between the panels closed normally profiled rails or utaplivayut. Processing of plates of the laminate is carried out with oil or other not water formulations. Although the best option is to leave them in their original form. The panel due to a variety of texture have a natural appearance of the wood and in connection with this look particularly warm.
If in the finishing of the used plates made of plywood, as a rule, they will look better, when their cover морилкой. Now on sale there are any colors and shades of морилки. Also popular sheathe the wall boards. Vertically located boards visually increase the height of the ceiling, and when the boards are laid out horizontally - that is visually extends the space. In connection with the particular style of the interior of the wood or left in its natural form, or treated with sandpaper, as well as causing lacquer or gold. But the wooden sheathing is not only a wonderful finish, but it still allows you to isolate not only sound, it is still a nice теплоизоляциооный material, and also it is a very good way to hide defects of a surface. And yet we must remember that when the house is made qualitatively, many of the surface are in need of finishing. When the in-built house used such material, as round logs or glued laminated timber, the surface of this material have a texture, it is not necessary to close a surface of panels or sewn lining. You only need to be sure to cover the surface of the protective composition, and then varnish. Such walls are very nice.
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