понедельник, 1 октября 2012 г.

Finish the cork material

Until recently, cork, associated with us exclusively with the products of the wine-vodka industry. However, the materials from the bark of the cork oak are also excellent finishing materials. Finishing materials made of cork have good heat and sound insulating qualities, but also excellent acoustic properties.

Cork oak "Quercus Suber L" appeared in the nature of the more than 60 million years ago and belongs to the famous family of beech and chestnut trees. Favorable for its active growth are the natural and climatic conditions of the region of the Western Mediterranean. Portugal is the Motherland of cork plantations, and on its territory accounts for more than 33% of the world's given for the planting of cork oak. Followed by Spain (23%), North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (33%), Italy and France (11%).

More than 51% of the total world volume of cork raw material falls to the share of Portugal - the undisputed leader of this production. The country pays great attention to upgrading and renewal planting cork trees. The first time the bark is removed from the tree when it reaches the age of 25-30 years, and is called "девственной". The operation is carried out in the period from June to August and is very delicate, so that not to harm the tree, otherwise reduces the life of the tree. Recovering the bark of every 9-11 years depending on the climatic conditions and the place of growth. The duration of the life of the tree, on average, 200-250 years. During this time, it gives about twenty "harvest", the best of which - from a tree at the age of 150 years.

It is believed that the first application of the bark of the cork oak belongs to the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome, who used the bark for packing of amphorae with wine and olive oil, production of floats and buoys fishing nets, the manufacture of shoes, and roofs of own houses. Structure and chemical composition of cell membranes cork oak determine the specific properties of the cortical of the material. The most obvious characteristic is the ease. Hundreds of years the property was used in the manufacture of floats for fishing gear.

This use of cork spread all over the Mediterranean and lasted from the most ancient times prior to the eighteenth century. The flexibility of the membranes of the cortical of the material makes it susceptible to compression and elastic. In other words, he has the ability to re-engage the original after the cessation of pressure. In combination with water and газонепроницаемостью, this property makes crusty material ideal for use as a укупорок. Crusty material is also highly resistant to wear from abrasion and, thanks to its сотовидной structure, has a high friction coefficient.

In most cases микроячейки, one of which is the bark of the cork oak, have the form of 14 third-party полигидронов, which are closely aligned to each other. The cells are filled with a gas mixture, identical to the air. It is сотовидная tissue structure and nature of cell membranes give корковому material specific properties that allow its wide application.

At the present time the plug is very widely used in construction as a heat - and sound-insulating material, decoration material the wall and floor coverings, and also for protection against vibration. Natural organic material, tightly compressed and saturated with natural cork substance - суберином, determines the properties of this material. 

Since the coefficient of sound absorption at a frequency of 1000 Hz wall thickness of 2 mm is 0.1, rooms, decorated with the cork material, do not create echo and absorb sound. Among other things, cork material possesses high antistatic and antibacterial properties. It is resistant to the effects of chemicals domestic use. Does not support combustion and does not emit harmful substances when strong heating. Plug does not rot, the impact of rodents and parasites, impervious to the mold, despite the fact that this is a natural material without any chemical additives.
Cork wall interior
Cork is a natural material with heterogeneous structure. As a finishing material plug is used either in the form of tiles with a smooth or rough surface, or in the form of a Wallpaper with paper base. Before becoming a finishing material, the bark of the cork tree is processed: she sliced or cut up, glued and pressed into a plate.

However, not all cork tiles ideal for finishing of the premises that is caused not only thick, but also the quality of tiles. Wall coverings made of cork are issued in the form of sheets, fabrics and Wallpapers. Cork Wallpaper in its weight and durability characteristics closer to heavy Wallpaper: their density - 216 g/m2, and the thin veneer of natural cork gives them enough strength and resistance to external influences. In addition to the decorative cork Wallpaper, have the dignity of others. First of all, they are ecologically pure material, does not elektrizujutsja and do not attract dust, which is very important for the residential premises. Since this type of coating is made of natural raw materials, produced from the bark of the cork oak, they do not require a special care. Wallpapers produced in the form of tapes size 5500 x 760 mm.

This finishing material does not require any special preparation of the wall and well kept on any basis. Cork Wallpaper are much cheaper than upholstery of walls of wooden panels. Decorative cork linen supplied in rolls of ribbon length of 8-10 m, a width of 0.5-1 m, the thickness of 2-4 mm. In their production basis is pressed cork chips (agglomerate), which is then applied decorative cork veneers. The density of paintings 170-210 kg/m3 and they are made for a different technology than cork plates.

Decorative opportunities of cork cloth not so wide, like a cork tiles, but the cheaper one and a half-two times than the panel. Wall cork sheets, made of shredded and compacted plug and covered with decorative probochnym veneer, most often issued by the size of 600х300х3 mm. They are manufactured in two versions: polished and with additional impregnation of natural wax.

In this case, the wax successfully replaces поливинил, which was successfully used in the manufacture of floor coverings. Wax increases антикондесационные properties of cork, allowing the appearance of mold and corrosion. Such coating is not replace with in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Not covered with wax products can be used in wet areas with mandatory coating varnish in построечных conditions.

Due to the unique structure of veneer is not subject to aging, does not require special care, as well as does not absorb odors. Cork wall sheets are one - and two-layer. The core layer two-layer sheets sometimes dyed, and his clear-strip carpet напрессовывают veneer from natural cork. The result obtained colored spots on the background texture of the cork.

Floor coverings of cork
Cork floors possess a number of advantages, which make them one of the most interesting variants of flooring for the home or office. First of all, this is a unique strength and elasticity, which distinguish them from other natural and synthetic coatings. Cork core under any workload performs the function of a shock absorber, restoring its original form. Among other things, the tube, gives the floor and another extraordinary property. Elastic action cork cells makes the steps are almost noiseless. The floors of cork and have an attractive appearance. The original figure cork emphasizes natural beauty of the material. Plain, neutral colors could not be better correspond to the modern requirements of design.

All the floor articles of natural cork represent a multi-layer structure, the basis of which is pressed (including square) plug. From the front side can be caused or decorative veneer of cork, either from the valuable species of wood. To increase the strength properties of the coating, veneer additionally covered with a protective lacquer or vinyl layer.
The vinyl a more wear-resistant layer, which allows the use of cork floors with data covering in premises with intensive operational loads. Floor, covered with lacquer layer, less wear-resistant and, as a rule, is used in the premises with a small cross. Most floor coverings of natural cork are of two types, which differ in the degree of protection and the method of installation: "клеящиеся" of coverage and the "floating" floor.

"Клеящиеся" coating are designed for gluing on the whole area of the tiles to the base. As a rule these coatings are produced in the form of tiles of different sizes 300o300, 450х150, 600х300, 450х450 mm of different texture and design, that gives unlimited opportunities interior designers in implementing their plans. The upper layer of tiles, which is applied on the basis of the pressed cork, may be different from the thin-layer decorative cork to a thin layer ядекоративного veneer of valuable sorts of wood, covered from above by a transparent, wear-resistant vinyl. Tiles, not covered by the vinyl layer or protective lacquer, after laying must be covered with 3 layers of special polyurethane varnish.

"Floating" floor are made in the form of panels of 900х185 and have an extra layer of MDF, in contrast to the coatings, designed for sticking. To the basis of MDF from the back of the glued agglomerated cork backing Such panels glued with only in the joints, but do not stick to the bottom of the installation is similar to the parquet Board). The floors are assembled on the principle of "thorn-groove" with the sizing of joints of a special glue on the basis of PVA. The plates are placed on двухмиллиметровую cork backing, it is possible to install and old carpet. "Floating" floor is widely used in the operation of residential premises, except for premises with increased moisture (saunas, bath, kitchen).

Laying of cork floor
 The basis on which are spreading adhesive cork way, must be dry, flat and clean, where the relative humidity must not exceed 2.5%. The room temperature should be not below 18C and absolute humidity not above 65%. For the purpose of acclimatization is recommended to withstand the articles of cork, glue in its original packaging in the workplace at least 24 hours before stacking, providing in it the temperature of not less than 18 C. In the same temperature condition should occur, and the process of installation. ). In the event of a risk of increase in humidity should be, regardless of the status of gender-basis, to hold moisture-resistant activities.

The procedure of laying the "floating" floor is significant simple, in contrast to the laying клеящимся way. "Floating" floor are placed on any flat ground. On the concrete (cement) floor of the need to create a water repellent barrier with the help of a polyethylene film. For additional insulation and as a sound-proof layer under the "floating" floor can be laid roll or sheet plug a thickness of 2 mm. If the humidity of the floor is increased (or laying is made on the 1st floor of the building), you need two layers of polyethylene film (2nd layer is laid perpendicular to the 1st CB).

On top of the polyethylene film fits roll or sheet plug 2 mm thick for an additional heat insulation and as a sound-proof layer. When laying roll plug is a retreat of 10 mm from the walls and from the neighboring roll. This layer can not be placed, if the cork panels lie on top of the carpet. Mounting plates is carried out in a random direction. Immediately after laying the floor can be walked on. If necessary coverage understands the elements and going again.

Technical cork
In addition to decorative coatings is also available and technical cork. She has no decorative layer and is used to improve the heat - and sound insulation of walls, floors and ceilings. Among other things, technical cork is used as a substrate for floating floors, shield parquet, linoleum, as a heat - and sound-insulating material in concrete slabs, with the device of warm floors.
Ideal for sound insulation sound-recording studios, home theater, music room, sleeping premises in apartment houses. It is also used for heat insulation of floors, facades, roofs and attic ceilings, insulation of ceilings and walls. Easy, construction and insulating material, does not rot, exposure of rodents, invulnerable to the mold.

Panels are resistant to hydrocarbons, chemically inert, are opaque to ultraviolet radiation, do not conduct electricity, are simple in installation. When burning stoves do not emit or phenols, no formaldehyde. Materials of technical cork almost does not differ from the above. In its composition, agglomerate cork granules (pressed, crushed bark of cork oak) .Изготавливается without the use of synthetic substances (binder - суберин contained in the traffic jam.

Soundproof properties of cork
Cork agglomerates of various types have been successfully applied in such cases when you need to be isolated from the noise of the "shock" of origin, that is, those which are transmitted through solid matter, absorption of sound in the room, i.e. the reduction of the duration of reflected sound or echo and noise from penetrating from the street in the room (air-to-air").

Soundproofing air-to-air" is governed by the law of the masses, according to which, the greater the density of the material, the greater the acoustical the ability he has. The plug can also be applied with success to this end, the quality of the material that fills the space in the walls of the double panels. Each wall panel is vibrating at a particular frequency-called critical. Therefore, first of all, we should strive to ensure that the vibration frequency of the panels were different, in order to avoid vibration in unison. However, the resonance may occur in both single and two-panel walls.

To do this, you should always strive to ensure that the resonance frequency was as low as possible. This can be achieved by increasing the thickness of the air chamber and the total weight of the walls, as well as ensuring the least dynamic rigidity of the intermediate material. Cork material, as no other more suitable for that.

In contrast to the noise "air-air", to isolate the noise from the "shock" the nature of the help material with low density and low dynamic stiffness. And here again to help us comes cork material, which is in contrast to other insulation materials have a very high degree of elasticity.

Plug does not change its linear dimensions and recovers its original shape after the end of the force. These properties of cork agglomerate is obliged to its composition: alternating слоеям суберина and wax amount of from 100 to 150, plate space between which is filled with pulp. It is суберин and adds a special elasticity of cell wall plugs. . Thanks to their properties, cork agglomerate cover the floors in the reading rooms and libraries, hospitals, offices, cinemas, etc.

The absorption of sound in the room will provide acoustic material, that is pure porous agglomerate of low density, consisting of well purified гранулата. Thanks to its optimal absorption rate this material has a very wide application. A significant effect of sound absorption can also be achieved in the application of agglomerates with decorative purposes, because they combine in themselves and attractive appearance, and the properties of the acoustic correction.

Operation and maintenance cork floor
Floor coverings on the basis of the cortical of the plugs do not require any special care. It all comes down to a fairly simple measures. The vacuum cleaner and well отжатая rag. Sometimes, you can use detergents except for the solvents and disinfectants containing abrasives. For example, the emulsion-самоблеск, active cleanser that removes any dirt, including fats -, защищающает the floor and придаюет it Shine. However, there are some peculiarities in the operation cork floor, which need to be taken into account. So, for example, to protect the floor from scratches, on the legs of the tables and chairs is the glue pieces of felt, but in no case of rubber, which leaves on surfaces трудноудаляемые spots. Do not use metal brushes and use mats, with the back of latex or rubberized basis.
And here's a good floor Mat at the front door is just necessary - it will gather grain of sand and solid particles with the Shine of incoming and thus protects the floor covering, which as a result of careful attitude longer it will last. As the Erasure of the lacquer coating on a cork floor, his restore yourself, using a special polyurethane lacquer. The old layer of paint, you must first remove with the help of manual grinders or manually sandpaper.

Floors with vinyl coating, depending on the intensity of exploitation of from one up to 2-3 times in a year shall require the replacement of putty, which is produced using special solvents. If adheres to all these simple rules, cork floors will last for a long period of time.

Care of the interior of cork
Wall cork plates additionally covered with wax, which allows to successfully use them even in areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. The waxy coating provides reliable protection against moisture and prevents the saturation of the material unwanted smells. Wall cork coatings do not require special care. Clean, you can use a vacuum cleaner or wet sponge. Sustainable pollution is washed off when using soft detergents.

Bad spots on the plug is easily removed small emery paper. This material is not electrified, and thus does not attract dust, does not absorb odors, allows to provide in a premise heat and sound insulation, contributes to the regulation of natural internal climate. As the research showed, in the room where you used the cork cover in the heat of summer - cool and the winter temperature is higher by 4 degrees.

Once again about the merits of the
Cork Wallpaper will not require any special and time-consuming processing of the surface of the wall, they are good on any basis. Thanks to its unique structure, cork wall covering virtually no aging, do not require everyday care, as they and do not attract dust, practically does not absorb odors, have high resistance to the formation of stains and chemical substances. Walls covered with natural cork, reliably protect the building from the damp and cold, and therefore reliably protect its inhabitants from different diseases.

- Walls-cork

The walls, tiles pasted from agglomerated cork, have not only good insulating qualities, but also the excellent acoustic and sound proofing properties. That is why cork wall coverings are so popular in interior recording studios and concert halls. They eliminate echo in the room and significantly reduce the noise between the floors and rooms. In addition, according to experts, such coatings have favourable and bio-energy properties, protecting the organism from the harmful impact of geopathogenic zones and weakening the level of anomalous radiation.

The undoubted advantages of wall coverings made of cork can be attributed excellent compatibility with other finishing materials, that allows to use them is fragmentary, based on the specific needs. This versatility significantly expands the circle of potential customers of this exclusive properties of the goods and makes it accessible for people with different levels of income.

Plug in the world
The development of the world market of finishing materials made of cork, the greatest impact of two factors. The first is the limitation of world reserves of raw materials. Cork oak is increasing in many countries of the world. However, suitable climatic conditions, under which builds up a layer of cork, suitable for industrial use, there are only 7 countries of the Mediterranean basin Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
Approximately 2.2 million hectares are plantations plantations cork oak in these countries. In total from the trees removed about 360 thousand tons of bark annually. And Portugal owns more than 50% of the world's cork raw materials (in average, in Portugal produces 170 thousand tons per year, more than half the world's reserves). On its territory is located almost 33% of the world's given for the planting of cork oak. Followed by Spain (23%), North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia (33%), Italy and France (11%).

The second factor determining the tendencies of development of the market under consideration, is the fact that this market is monopolistic. "Set the tone" for him Portuguese Corporation "Amorim Group" is the leader on the world market and the standard of the quality of the cork coatings. Every year the group of companies "Amorim Group" produces about half of decorative finishing materials of cork, exporting about 90% of the production to European countries and Scandinavia, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. This company, which unites more than 40 plants, use in the production of the most advanced technologies, which are equal to the rest of the producers.

It is characteristic that in Europe is implemented by the order of 90% of all produced in the world of finishing materials on the basis of cork. And here's championship for the consumption of technical cork keeps America. The main consumers of finishing materials made of cork are European countries. Given the limited availability of raw material resources and unique consumer properties, the Euro-Union, on the one hand, in every possible way supports the development of the production of cork finishing materials, on the other hand - imposes restrictions on the export of these materials beyond the borders of Europe. The Euro-Union also has an impact on the prices of finishing materials made of cork, which are a reflection of the demand for the European consumers. That is today's prices are adequate for Europe.

Finishing materials made of cork are used to design, both private and public interiors. Thus, in the retail market there are two categories of consumers - private persons and the organization. The main contingent of private consumers wall and floor coatings made of cork - it is a buyers with incomes slightly higher than average, care about their health, carefully watching the trends of fashion and embodying them in the interior of your home. As experts point out, finishing materials made of cork and is popular among the people, who are fascinated by non-traditional Sciences - bioenergy, extra-сенсорикой, etc. The popularity of the cork coatings in this category of consumers due to the property of cork reduce the negative impact of geopathogenic zones.

How much is the plug
Over the past few years, the cost of finishing materials made of cork has grown approximately to 5-10%. As the monitoring showed prices of the different operators of this market, "adhesive" coverage cheaper "floating" at about 20-50%. The price range varies in the range of $20-60 per m2, while the minimum price for a "floating" the cover is $40-70 per m2. The minimum cost of the tile wall cork coatings is $10 per sq.m. And the roll of cork Wallpaper (10мх1мх2мм will be the cost of retail purchaser of approximately $60.

It should be noted that over the last few years has significantly expanded product range of finishing materials made of cork. According to the specialists, the cost of cork floor coverings affect the value of the species of wood that is used as veneer and design features of plates (with adhesive or "floating" cover).

According to many operators in the market, in the near future noticeable "spike" of sales of finishing materials made of cork, unfortunately, is not expected. Such, not happy, forecasts are connected with the high cost of the goods and the low purchasing power of the majority of population of our country. Many operators were of the opinion that, until in Ukraine is not "stronger", the so-called middle class, the significant growth of the market of finishing materials made of cork are not expected.

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